Parents: PCF Tonganui/Aria Giana
AKKPS: 25059
COI: 4.3
Woody, son of my beautiful dark ginger Arlo and my large Aria Giana sow, Speck. I believe he got the best of both parents, since birth he was large and in charge. And also LOUD.

Parents: PCF Boris/Rebecca Gina
AKKPS: 5939
COI: 8.2
We were excited to retain this Boris boar from Ranger and it's a joy to watch him grow! MacDougal has been a great breeder, he's up to 52 piglets and produces large and beautiful offspring!

Parents: VKK Ru 60
AKKPS: 11246
COI: 11.9
Rush is a beautiful black & deep ginger Ru that will produces lovely piglets. He's also sweet tempered like most boars! I have a difficult time choosing between him & MacDougal. Rush has produced 27 beautiful piglets!

Parents: Andrew/Kereopa
AKKPS: 31389
COI: 5.8
Deuce is a beautiful boar from Berties Bee's KuneKunes. Piney Creek was pleased to add him to our boar herd.

Bumble bee
Parents: Ru/Trish
AKKPS: 28100
COI: 6.3
Bumble Bee was my keeper from Queen Bee's litter last year. I love his short legs and silky hair, well, and that cute face, too!